Watermaker : Manual VS Automatic Mode

A basic principle on the utilization of the watermaker is the difference between the manual and automatic mode. The difference is actually very tiny, the only is the management of the regulating valve on the control panel. We don’t speak here about the remote installed on the AMEL 55 and 64. On manual mode, you need to turn the regulating valve manually until the right pressure is reached. In automatic mode, a servomotor will turn automatically the regulating valve. All the rest of the equipment composing the watermaker, and its initialization process will be exactly the same.

Manual Mode :

It is necessary to use the manual mode in a particular case : during a starting of the watermaker after a rincing or a sterilization of the membranes. In fact, it is not recommended to run the machine under high pressure with fresh water in the membranes. As the automatic mode reaches too fast a high pressure, you need to start in a manual mode and let the watermaker run 5 to 15 minutes at a minimum high pressure. Once the membranes fully charged of sea water, you can increase the pressure to produce fresh water.

After that, you then can choose to keep the watermaker in manual mode, or switch to the automatic one for the rest of your journey. In both cases, it will be possible for you to start the machine from the remote in the kitchen on the AMEL 55 and 64. In manual mode, you will just need to keep the regulating valve in the position it was to produce good quality water. The advantage of the manual mode is that you will start to produce fresh water as soon as the water maker starts. In fact, the automatic mode needs to reset the pressure and reinitiate each time you start, which takes more time.

Starting in manual mode is described in the article “Starting procedure“, and on the watermaker itself as well.


Automatic Mode

When starting with the automatic mode, you will see that the first thing happening is the regulator turning in one sens and the other. The machine is actually searching for the numbers of tour the regulator needs to do to reach its maximal and minimal adjustments. Once this is done, the watermaker is ready to start. Hit “start” and once the circuit is primed, the regulator will slowly turn automatically. The quality sensor will tell him when to stop. The advantage is that you don’t need to manipulate anything. The disadvantage is that you can’t control the process for the firsts starts of the season.

Re-synchronization of the regulating valve :

It might happen that the servomotor of the regaluting valve desynchronizes. It this case, the regulator will stop turning before reaching the optimum pressure and the watermaker will not produce fresh water. Re-synchronizing the regulator is a very simple procedure, which you can do every season :

  • Put the starting switch on “off”
  • Hit “Start” and hold the button
  • Switch the commutator to “Automatic” while holding the “Start” button.

You will see that the regulating valve starts turning. It will unscrew completely and then start to screw again. You can then release the pressure on the “Start” button and let the process end. After the regulating valve stops moving, your automatic mode is ready to go.


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